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ТЕМА: Sale of share in LLC inherited in Ukraine

Sale of share in LLC inherited in Ukraine 9 года, 11 мес. назад #1222

  • Sting
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  • Новый участник
  • Постов: 2
  • Репутация: 0
Dear lawyers, please consult or help with sale of share inherited in LLC in Kiev.

I have obtained the certificate of heritage on a share of 40% of the LLC statute capital.

Now I'm going to enter as a shareholder to the LLC or sale the share.

How can I do that? Or is it acceptable to get a compensation for the share on a basis of calculations of LLC’s value given by an independent company operating on a same market ?.

Can you act as my representative in inheritance matters in Kiev, what's your fee?
Amanda Sting
Изменено: 8 года, 12 мес. назад от Юридическое бюро Писаренко.

Sale of share in LLC inherited in Ukraine 8 года, 12 мес. назад #1497

Dear Amanda, thank you for contacting to Pysarenko Law Office!

When you have obtained the certificate of inheritance on a share in LLC from notary you can legally solve matters related in Ukraine with our support.

To do this we'll need to conclude an agreement on legal servises rendering and you to authorize us by power of attorney to represent your interests in Ukraine in relation to corporate and heritage matters.

To enter to the LLC as a shareholder you submit a certified copy of the certificate of heritage and an original of your request to enter to LLC as a co-founder.

If you prefer to sale the share or obtain it's value from LLC instead enterring as a co-participant, a calculations of the LLC's market value may not be based on suggestions of the independent company operating on a same market, coming only from its market review or private opinion.

The procedure of company’s value assessment is normally based on the concrete official and legal paper documents indicating company’s status: its assets, obligations, company’s balance, etc. Such assesment is often performed by official appraisal company, although such way is not statutory stipulated.

In any case a final estimation of a compensation for your share is within agreement of the parties involved.

We are ready to discuss the price and related issues and act on behalf of you with the LLC and interested parties.

Our fee for legal services is within $49-$89 per hour subject to complexity of the corporate or inheritance matter.

Pysarenko Law Office
+380 (44) 2795632
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Изменено: 8 года, 12 мес. назад от Юридическое бюро Писаренко.
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