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УКР.: Юридичний форум: Питання оподаткування, проведення перевірок контролюючими органами щодо сплати податків, зборів, обов'язкових платежів, адміністративного та судового оскарження рішень податкових органів.

РУС.: Юридический форум: Вопросы налогообложения, проведения проверок контролирующими органами по уплате налогов, сборов, обязательных платежей, административного и судебного обжалования решений налоговых органов в Украине и др.
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ТЕМА: Cancellation tax notification-decision Ukraine

Cancellation tax notification-decision Ukraine 6 года, 3 мес. назад #3831

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Dear lawyers!

Dutch company has a subsidiary in Ukraine. The company filed a complaint to the State Fiscal Service regarding the appeal on tax notification-decision. SFS received the complaint 12.09.2018, but has no answered yet.

Can we, before receiving a response from SFS, file a lawsuit on cancellation the tax notification-decision with your legal support?
The amount of TND is UAH 1.6 mln.

We need tax lawyer's servises in Kyiv.
Изменено: 6 года, 2 мес. назад от Юридическое бюро Писаренко.

Cancellation tax notification-decision Ukraine 6 года, 2 мес. назад #3832

Thank you for request!

The tax-payer may file a lawsuit on cancellation the tax notification-decision to an appropriate administrative court before receiving a response from State fiscal service.

Pysarenko Law Office is ready to commence litigation against the SFS in the respective administrative court of Ukraine in respect of the tax notification-decision cancellation.

The tax lawyer's services will contain:

1) Collection and legal analysis of evidence;

2) Application the tax law and development the legal position in a matter;

3) Preparing claim, motions, other documents necessary to commence, proceed and close the litigation;

4) Representing Client on each stage of court proceedings;

5) Appealing from negative court rulings and judgement, if any.

If you have any questions or need to discuss the full-scope legal support in tax litigation, do not hesitate to contact us.
Юридичне бюро Писаренка.
Вирішення складних майнових і податкових спорів.
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