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ТЕМА: Legal support Purchasing an apartment in Kiev

Legal support Purchasing an apartment in Kiev 6 года, 5 мес. назад #3777

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  • Постов: 72
  • Репутация: 3
Dear Sirs,

I need a legal support for purchasing an apartment in Kiev.
I found one that i like, through a broker.
But while i am negotiating the price, I am interested to know how much you would ask to legal support me in order to avoid making some mistake in this deal.
I would like to make soon a preliminar contract, may be you could suggest one, of course bit in ukrainian and english.
Moreover, even if i understood that the broker is resposable for anything bad the owner would try to hide, i would like

That you check if everything is ok and why the owner is interested to sell. Important is to know if ther are open bills to be payed and/or litigations with other people in the building. My intention is to make the preliminar agreement.

Waiting for your reply

Re: Legal support Purchasing an apartment in Kiev 6 года, 5 мес. назад #3778

Dear guest!

Thank you for contacting Pysarenko Law Office. Legal services and support you mentioned are within our competence and could be rendered.
You can go for the apartment sale-purchase agreement if it's title and legal status is clear, no negative consequences are expected and all terms of payment and seller’s obligations are agreed in a preliminary agreement.

Hourly fee for legal services is 60 euro. An advance payment for 20 hours is needed to start working over your assignment.
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